The Dangers Of Keeping Exotic “Pets”

exotic petsBig Cat Rescue is a large ‘non-revenue’ animal sanctuary in Tampa, Florida, renowned and acclaimed around the globe for their work, ‘rescuing’ unique cats from the pet trade, circuses, roadside zoos and the fur farms, in addition to rehabilitating wild bobcats.

Get an enormous cage for them. They’ll need it. Hammocks is a must! (Get a giant hammock for two.) You can put some ropes in their that method they’ll grasp around and chill. Put some toys of their cage like: squeaky balls, stuff toys, blankets, and a pillow. They ought to have enjoyable in their cages. Let them out though! They will get antzy! lol They like enjoying peek-a-boo and like to wrestle! (It’s hilarious!)watch it on you tube, click on the hyperlink.

I was so excited to take a look at this pet store….solely to find disappointment. The reptiles enclosures have been mostly dirty with piles of unclean …

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