Category: General Article

The World’s Oldest Cat

In comparison, cats are much older than humans. Reported by International Cat Care, a cat’s age of 6 months is equal to 10 human years. Adult age in cats, which ranges from 3-6 years, means the same as 28-40 years of human age.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners argues that a cat’s first year of growth is equal to 15 human years. The second year, equal to 9 years, only after that can be equated with humans. That is, three cat years equal more than 24 human years.

Although the average age is only 15 years, these cats are proof that this one human pet can accompany you into old age. The following records the oldest cat in the world, as reported by A-Z Animals.

Rubble – 31 years old

Rubble is a Maine Coon cat that lives in Exeter, Devon, England. His pawrent, Michelle Foster, took good …

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Some Common Ear Problems in Pets

Dog Ear Infections: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Ear problems are common in pets. While some dogs may suffer from ear injury or deafness, other dogs may develop skin conditions like an ear infection. Pet owners should practice preventive measures to ensure the ear problem doesn’t escalate into something severe. Regular checkups and ear cleansing by qualified animal medical center Virginia Beach VA can play a crucial role in identifying ear problems and treating them in time.

Ear problems like injury or infection can cause redness, itching, pain, and discharge. Most dogs shake their heads or title to the side to find relief from pain or discomfort. If your pet is scratching his ears excessively or shaking his head, you should check for any signs of injuries or infection. If you suspect a possible ear problem, contact your vet immediately.

In this blog, we have compiled some common reasons that could be causing ear problems in your pets.…

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Cat Lovers Should Know, These 3 Types of Diseases Are Most Often Suffered by Meow

Cat Facts | Mental Floss

Keeping a cat doesn’t just mean you can play to your heart’s content with him. As responsible carers, we must also take good care of their health. Just like humans, your pet cat can get sick too, you know. Just in case, there is nothing wrong with reading the 3 types of diseases most often experienced by cats:

1. Worms

Whatever type of cat breed that you keep does not guarantee that it will be free from this one disease. Tapeworms and hookworms are the two types of worms that most often affect the health of the pu. If your cat is stubbornly gaining weight or there are white spots in the litter, it could be worms, girls.

2. Hairballs

The habit of cats licking their bodies can actually have a negative impact on their health, you know. Yup, the hairs that can get licked into the stomach and cause …

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Why is jaguar not kept in a zoo like Lions?

Jaguar is an agile animal, a loner which hunts alone not like lions who hunt in groups. It stays and survives alone.

A big cat family member like tiger and Puma. It is yellow and tan in color, and from reddish brown to black. There are solid spots on its hide and the head is black. It is a carnivorous animal, lives on eating grazing animals.

Jaguar plays an important role in prayers of indigenous people, plays the character role in stories and songs. They feed on deer, snakes, crocodile, and frog, and fish anything they can catch.

The jaguar used to roam about from Argentina to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It makes its home in forests, rainforests, swamps and pampas grasslands. They are usually found on amazon forests, there are a lot of stories for Jaguar and Anaconda.

Scientists have tried to keep 15,000 jaguars to protect 80 …

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Dog Care Tips And Tricks For New Dog Owners

Winter Care Tips for Dog Owners | 1st Pet Veterinary Centers

Many people have pets their lives

If you’re in the market for a dog, there are a few things you should know first. This article helps you to fine tune your skills as a dog.

If there are prescription medications in your home, keep them away from your dog. Call your vet as soon as possible if you suspect that the dog swallows any pills.

Never take your dog to leave your yard without a leash even if he seems very trustworthy and calm. You will be to blame if your dog does this.

Your dog can figure out things up much easier when they get these type of signals. Try both methods to see what works well with your dog.

This communicates to your dog that the behavior he is doing just exactly what you are looking for. It also reinforces the idea that he will receive attention if …

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